Until the Ocean – Malfunshunk

Vi ho già parlato in diverse occasioni di Andrew Wood, cantante dei Mother Love Bone scomparso nel 1990, lasciando un vuoto che verrà occupato in parte da Eddie Vedder, quando i Mother Love Bone diventeranno Pearl Jam.


Ma prima dei Mother Love Bone, Wood aveva una band con il fratello Kevin, chiamata Malfunshunk. Un album postumo recuperato dal fratello è tutto ciò che ci rimane. Da Return to Olympus vi invito ad ascoltare questa Until the Ocean.
Enjoy it!

Fits of inspiration, cryin fingers
A puppet with no nails that will beg no more
Chartreuse regalia, she’s a rock ‘n’ roll refugee
Her glowing diamond head will rest away
Oh mercy me. Do I enjoy these games?
Why did I chase her and why did she stay?
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean, yeah
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean calls my name
I lost my heartbeat, child, to a cryin’ girl in the rain
Picture you in love with a chance to fly away
Oh merciful youth, so long and so true
A true french girl that looks a lot like you
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean, yeah
And if you were my friend, I’d give you the ball on every play
Until the ocean calls my name

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